Another trip we made during my week in Springfield, VT was a trip to Springfield Tools. They pick stuff up from machine auctions and resell on ebay and out of their warehouses. I picked an old (1953 I think?) Baldor grinder. It has a Diamond and a Silicon/Carbide wheel and everything is cast iron, including a nice solid cast iron pedestal. It ran, but the bearings were shot, so I decided to refurbish it when I pulled it apart to replace the bearings. Here is the tear down. It should be reassembled this weekend, good as new... no better than that cheap new stuff :)
The graduations on this piece are pretty much gone. I'm guessing the Serial number means this is a 1953? Brass? The one small piece of original wiring is just a bit brittle! Pulling off the old bearings and pulling off the old paint ready for primer Amazing what a swipe of acetone will do. The was a bit of warp in the tables, but not for long :-) All but the pedestal is painted no, so I'll probably throw it back together this weekend...
We finished up one of the nights by taking a tour of the American Precision Museum. It was closed for the season, but we were sooo important they let us see ;-) Actually they went out of their way to accommodate us, and it was an impressive collection.
I have no idea what most of these machines are, but I took as many pictures as could anyway. Basically these are some of the first precision machines used... EVER! This display was a scale, working replica of a machine shop. They even scraped the machine tool ways. Everything works, although it was not running in the off season.